Saturday, February 28, 2009

Imaginary places

So in light of my last dreary gloomy post I thought it best to resolve my despair. Spring is near people!! You know what this means? Sunny days in central park. Finding your own individual patch of grass to sit. Opening books in the sunshine and reading without chills. Fresh mangoes eaten outside with the juice running down your chin. Never needing the subway unless journeying back to queens because walking in the warm weather is much more appealing. And Happiness! Pure joy at living in New York City where anything is possible and finally the weather doesn't get you down! Spring is near!! Just hold on for the last few weeks of cold knowing that just around the corner are days of no puffy coats and endless missing gloves!

Oh New York in spring....the thought of you gets me through the cold cold walk to the subway from my cozy house.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Debbie Downer

Does anyone else ever feel like this time period in New York right after the holidays is a downer? Auditions are slow, the sky is gloomy, and the decorations are gone. What's the fix for all this? Ugh. I hope someone has an answer, because after this week I am all out of ideas.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

ode to yorke

As I was perusing craig'slist today this is what I found...mostly yorke I thought of you. enjoy.

Epileptic/Arson Productions is now casting actresses to participate in a new reality show about off duty NYC cops and their home life. Ideal candidates will be moderately attractive, have no more than 2 kids and 3 previous marriages, be able to take a punch dead in the eye without collapsing immediately and be able to curse like a sailor when their ship is under attack.

The show will focus on how cops act when they are not at work or on the take; their social lives, their loves, their money problems...etc.

Ideal candidates will hail from North Jersey or the outer boroughs of NYC, have only a high school education and have no more than 2 ass crack tattoos.

For more information view this website: COPBAR.TV

  • Compensation: open
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

damn....I have three ass crack tattoos. Oh well.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holidays are fuzzy

Well, yet again I have proven my status as a really bad bad blogger. It has been a month since my last post or very nearly a month. However, I do have some good and hopefully interesting things to report.
I finished out the tour with Penn Shakes thoroughly exhausted and fulfilled with the work I had accomplished. I ran back to New York, huge suitcase in hand, to attend an audition at the American Globe Theatre for Romeo and Juliet. By some strange act of God, I landed the role of Juliet in their tour and feel that some strong karma is coming my way for some perils that will remain unnamed at this time...let's just say I'm pretty sure I did my time in a certain department and deserve a break! I can't wait to get started and am terrified, but am glad I no longer have to be terrified that I would grow old without getting the chance to play this part! So rehearsals start Jan 26th and in the meantime I have taken up caroling. Christmas caroling that is....So get ready new york city for three little voices of splendor in your very own neighborhood....
And yes there will be an elf costume.
I am currently sitting in the comfort of my parent's home in Amarillo, Tx with a lovely little black and grey cat curled in my lap. For now I am soaking up the love of the fambamwam and refueling for the northeast...where they trample Walmart employees in shopping frenzees (Anyone else hear that ridiculous and horrifying news??!)
Tuesday I will finally be back in my new york life and can't wait to say hello to some much missed faces and something called yoga that I used to enjoy regularly. Updateshmupdate.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Verges gets lucky

This weekend we finally had a performance for an all adult audience and it was amazing. I managed to horribly embarrass a woman in the front row. It definitly involved me shaking my butt in her face and hitting on her a lot. This was definitly done in the role of Verges and not Hero btw. You know me, any chance I get to shake it...I will definitly take it! Above is a little taste. Enjoy...I promise to write more later. Seriously.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Yay weekend.

It is the end of the work week. I am exhausted. The weekend of sleep and yoga and hopefully some type of physical activity not involving heaving large sections of scenery is now upon me. For the next two days I will be wearing fuzzy pants and a smile. And in no way will I be speaking in verse. I need to find a delicious vegan cookie recipe for the dinner on Tuesday with the cast. Any suggestions? Alice would normally be the first one to answer, but then I had to go and put the word vegan in there....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

31 hours in Charlotte NC

Now, what would one do if there were 31 hours in which to travel? Definitly go to North Carolina that's for sure. I got on a little plane at around 6am saturday morning to see my man's face for just over 31 hours. North Carolina in three words: soul, collards, and joviality. Good stuff. I have to be up in just over four hours to get to my 5am call which is sounding pretty stupid right now in life. But what a wonderful weekend with a wonderful boy. I love love.