As I was perusing craig'slist today this is what I found...mostly yorke I thought of you. enjoy.
Epileptic/Arson Productions is now casting actresses to participate in a new reality show about off duty NYC cops and their home life. Ideal candidates will be moderately attractive, have no more than 2 kids and 3 previous marriages, be able to take a punch dead in the eye without collapsing immediately and be able to curse like a sailor when their ship is under attack.
The show will focus on how cops act when they are not at work or on the take; their social lives, their loves, their money problems...etc.
Ideal candidates will hail from North Jersey or the outer boroughs of NYC, have only a high school education and have no more than 2 ass crack tattoos.
For more information view this website: COPBAR.TV
- Compensation: open
- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
- Please, no phone calls about this job!
- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
damn....I have three ass crack tattoos. Oh well.