so as of today i have less than two weeks before I leave for pennsylvania....eeeek! i'm super nervous and mostly so because I will be leaving and going away from some much loved faces for too long. this was mostly noticed today around 1pm when I sat down to a lovely raw lunch of sprouts and some sunflower seed pate that I had concocted and all I could see in my head were all these new people who will quite possibly think I'm absolutely nutso. Yay for nutso! Yay for sprouts!
Also the prospect of not having bikram yoga for three months makes my toes tingle with fear. Dear Jesus, please let erica not go crazy by the end of these three months because she is not able to sweat out all the anger and frustration in her life. love, erica.
And I believe that I have decided to stay as long as possible in europe in january through february. this is really scary because of the whole "omg what am I doing with my life if I'm not auditioning and pursuing my acting career???" and because of the "holy shit I am so flat broke it's not even funny..."But scary or no, I believe this opportunity has presented itself as a source of living and creativity in my life and who knows, maybe I'll even start to paint again when I'm there. The professor will be very angry with me for leaving him with strangers for the next six months, but I do think he may get over it.
Tonight I go to bikram. I've been going everyday since I got back mostly because I think I'm terrified of not having it. home practice is poopy...
Engage 9: Being in Love
1 day ago
1 comment:
All this post means to me right now is that we haven't talked in forever and need to do so immediately. Can we hang out before/after tea on Monday? For a long time? What I'm really trying to is... you're going to Europe for two months without me?@!?@??@?@
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