Oh boy. I knew this would happen. It's been a whole month nearly since my last post. Procrastination insues and I once again become myself. But now down to business...what what what have I been up to this past month? Well, nothing too interesting. Mostly just rehearsing over and over and over again. I have discovered a love for red lipstick (we're placing the play in the 1940's) and most importantly have been bowled over by kids in high school and middle school while teaching the shakespeare workshops. Honestly when I first got cast in this and heard I had to teach workshops as well, I was mostly terrified. But seeing all these kids who 75percent of them have never even been introduced to shakespeare getting up on their feet and having fun with shakespeare is the most rewarding experience ever. I really feel like I'm doing something that has a purpose and hopefully inspiring some kids to follow their dreams. Or atleast I hope I am.
The travel schedule has been pretty outrageous. Up at 4 or 5 and at the schools by 8. Set up the set (which you can see by the picture above is not exactly scarce), do two workshops back to back, get into costume, run the show, and then break down the set and drive home (that's all of us in front of our trusty penske truck which carries our set everywhere). Craziness! I've had a couple of bouts of blackouts which have made me have to really buckle down on becoming more aware of drinking and eating the right things. I've already been pegged as "the vegan" and all the cast has their fun with that one. But it's all in the name of fun. They're all really great people and it's awesome to find some form of ensemble within this project.
The most important lesson I've learned is that people don't respect "vegan" as much as they might respect "i'm deathly allergic to all dairy and meat". Lesson learned. And that out in podunk Pennsylvania, I may very well be the only vegan these people will ever come across.
I'm enjoying sunrises every day. Though the alarm going off at 4am sometimes makes me want to kill something. I miss you all and can't wait to see your faces. December 1st calls!
Also, please please if you can come out to Desales University in Center Valley PA for the public performance on Nov 1st! It would mean the world to me. And it's only a short bus ride away from NYC and you could definitly crash at our awesome cast house!

1 comment:
1. I was going to leave you a message earlier today telling you to get your butt back to blogging!
2. "I've had a couple of bouts of blackouts" The way you say this is much too casual for my liking. Carry some carob chips with you? Or peanuts? Or sandwiches? What happened to that big bottle of water you always carry (the one I thought you were opening when Crazy Chris invaded at 1 am...)
Most of all, I miss you!
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